about muy cute
Muy Cute started out as an idea of bringing things together that owner/creator Danny personally loves in regards to Latinx pop culture, the LGBTQIA+ community, positivity, humor, and inclusivity. Danny is a graphic designer by trade and has always wanted to create a line of graphic t-shirts that would encompass his own skill set when it comes to illustration and typography.
Muy Cute was born as a platform for all things that are Muy Cute and geared towards other Latinx folks in his community. His favorite part of creating this brand has been being able to take it on the road to various mercados and seeing first hand how people enjoy his pieces.
Danny has received an outpouring of love from mercados he has done in Washington, Oregon, and California. Latino male culture demands that we withhold emotion and remain serious. Danny wanted to break this cycle and show that there isn't anything wrong with loving things that are considered feminine, evoke emotion, and cross the line when it comes to gender roles. It has been a rewarding journey so far and Danny is excited to keep moving forward with
Muy Cute by pushing boundaries and staying true to himself. Stay tuned amores!
Special gracias to Ariel G for the photography